Have a bad news this morning, one of my best friend Yudhi Kistyarto, a designer, a talented builder, a paper replica Indonesian member region Makasar just past away from tumors of lymph nodes.the last chat with him was on last December and we're still kiddin around about my latest model.He said he just get back from hospital from therapy and plan to find another hospital in Jakarta for better recovery...but God have a big plan..and I never said goodbye...

first PERI makasar region exhibition, he was one man show \m/
@gandaria city games exhibition, a rare chance takin picture with Julius perdana from paper-replika.com
with dude from PERI, his on right next to julius
some of his work
Paperhobby PT-76 1:35 diorama battle scene
Paperhobby Panzer VIII Maus 1:35
Paperhobby BV-212 with kettenkraftrad 1:35 diorama
(coming soon)
Paperhobby Daimler Benz Project "C" with Project "E" piloted missiles
(coming soon)
Paperhobby XAB-1 Beta-1 Atomic-Powered Bomber (1959) 1:144
till we meet again bro...may your soul rest in peace