
helicopter gunships (Concept ) from Bolt 1:72

walt disney pictures new animated feature 3d film bolt starring john travolta miley cyrus concept helicopter gunships dropping off motorcycle riders chasing girl on scooter and dog bolt animated flash loop sequences.
it was un plan to make this model, when I'm sharing the RA-76 drone concept with PERI group, one of the member told me that it was look like the bolt helicopter, well never cross my mind until last night when I'm working out with KRI Klewang..and walaahhh...turn to be very interesting subject...well this is it..

sh*t happens guys, I leave for a while after clear coating...suddenly heavy rain drop by..-_-"
well too lazy to re build, so I just clear the part and add some extra part for the engine...ok here we go..

price :US $4
buy now here

please give some note the model name in paypal transaction and choose "send as give/friends" option
for Indonesian you can have it   here


  1. Do want! I love your blog, and all creations, especially those in sci-fi type. Please finish this model, and let us all see it :)

  2. @Mart
    I do my best dude, but sometimes nature calls...

  3. Delicacy! Thanks for the button "Download here".

    Said Gihar corp.

  4. hi,thank you for do you do the clear canopy part?the clear part looks like plastic?thanks!

  5. Nice post.It is a informative post.This post helps us to about concept paper .Thanks for this post.
