
jungle cutter 1:35 (indiana jones: kingdom of the crystal skull)

The Jungle Cutter was a Soviet vehicle designed for clearing a path through dense vegetation. With two giant spinning circular saws on its front for cutting down trees, and wood chippers to reduced cleared debris into bits, it could hack a roadway through the jungle so that a convoy of vehicles could follow.
In 1957, Soviet forces under the command of Irina Spalko and Antonin Dovchenko brought a Jungle Cutter to their base in Brazil for use in their expedition to find Akator. After a captive Indiana Jones helped decipher the addled words of Harold Oxley of where the Crystal Skull of Akator was to be returned, the Soviets began a trek through the rain forest with the Jungle Cutter in the lead.

The Jungle Cutter being destroyed.

After Indiana Jones, Mutt Williams, and Marion Ravenwood freed themselves in their truck, Indiana Jones used a rocket-propelled grenade to stop the Jungle Cutter. His attack caused one of the two sawblades to come loose, and it bounded backwards through the convoy, wrecking vehicles, and even damaging the truck that Marion was driving.
Unfortunately for Indy, the jungle was thin enough for the remaining Russian vehicles to drive through and continue on their mission, making Indy and his companions crew race for Akator against Spalko and her troops.

indi always meet some wicked stuff, this one I can't pass on..wish me luck guys


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  2. This model is full of imagination and creativity, thanks for sharing
