

First of all, I would like to say thank you for your visit at my blog.Lately I kind of very busy I mean really busy at the office, incoming project and many more.Well this blog is where I can release all my stress and bored , so as all hobbies should be it's not working on deadline.Sometimes I can make 2-4 models in one month, and sometimes didn't.It all depend on my free time (FYI I work from 8.00-19.00) and just have couple hours to make the models.I know I still owe some, and I'm sorry for that.
Until this time I can't sure when the next model will complete, especially the bluethunder and the TU-95. Once again thank you for your time and visit, with out you all this blog and all my models are nothing...



  1. I'm glad that you make the models an am amazed by your ability to joggle all those duties and still turn out such splendid work.

    Keep on keeping on with this great work.

    Greetings from Poland
    Leszek Cyfer

  2. @lehcyfer
    thank you friend, hope I can back on track ASAP...have a nice day

  3. tekzo, I hope that you will have much more free time

    yours - KRL-P

  4. Yup, you do what you have to. Thanks for sharing so far.

  5. @epiphanius
    thanks for your support

  6. Hey, don't worry, us all, "papercrafters" have a lot of patience ;-)
    But please don't stop creating, you're an artist !
